Reservoir Formation Damage

ISBN: 9780750677387 出版年:2011 页码:1,135 Civan, Faruk Faruk Civan, PhD Gulf Professional Publishing_RM


Reservoir Formation Damage, Second edition is a comprehensive treatise of the theory and modeling of common formation damage problems and is an important guide for research and development, laboratory testing for diagnosis and effective treatment, and tailor-fit- design of optimal strategies for mitigation of reservoir formation damage. The new edition includes field case histories and simulated scenarios demonstrating the consequences of formation damage in petroleum reservoirsFaruk Civan, Ph.D., is an Alumni Chair Professor in the Mewbourne School of Petroleum and Geological Engineering at the University of Oklahoma in Norman. Dr. Civan has received numerous honors and awards, including five distinguished lectureship awards and the 2003 SPE Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty.Petroleum engineers and managers get critical material on evaluation, prevention, and remediation of formation damage which can save or cost millions in profits from a mechanistic point of viewState-of-the-Art knowledge and valuable insights into the nature of processes and operational practices causing formation damageProvides new strategies designed to minimize the impact of and avoid formation damage in petroleum reservoirs with the newest drilling, monitoring, and detection techniques

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