----- PIC基本方案:PIC BASIC及PIC BASIC PRO的三十个应用项目
Covering the PIC BASIC and PIC BASIC PRO compilers, PIC Basic Projects provides an easy-to-use toolkit for developing applications with PIC BASIC. Numerous simple projects give clear and concrete examples of how PIC BASIC can be used to develop electronics applications, while larger and more advanced projects describe program operation in detail and give useful insights into developing more involved microcontroller applications. Including new and dynamic models of the PIC microcontroller, such as the PIC16F627, PIC16F628, PIC16F629 and PIC12F627, PIC Basic Projects is a thoroughly practical, hands-on introduction to PIC BASIC for the hobbyist, student and electronics design engineer.Packed with simple and advanced projects which show how to program a variety of interesting electronic applications using PIC BASICCovers the new and powerful PIC16F627, 16F628, PIC16F629 and the PIC12F627 models